Hair Extensions

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Hair Extensions

Looking for long luscious locks or needs a bit of bouncy body in your hair?
Come and visit our newly trained hair extensionists, to get your FREE consultation to find out the perfect method to suit your hair.
All the hair extensions that we use are 100% Indian/Russian Remy Double Drawn AAAA/AAAAA.
Full Head- length and volume
Half Head – volume. (Rotational plans available)
Application cost £40 per hour, not including hair. Final price is given on consultation.
We offer a range of methods including:

Fusion Bonds

This method involves a heating element which allows the hair extension bond to be coupled up with your hair, the heat is directed onto the hair bond allowing minimal damage to your natural hair. The hair extensions can only be used once with this method. This method is best suited for fine to medium hair and last up to 3/4 months.

Easy Shrinks

Easy shrinks we reccommend for occasional use, a heating element is used to shrink the bond when applying and again to expand the bond when removing. This method lasts only for 2/3 months but the hair can be used muliple times if kept in good condition. Due to heat being used to remove the bond, having this method of hair extensions is not advisable when planning a hot holiday, as the shrinks could slip. They are perfect for making you feel fabulous over the festive season. Suitable for all hair types.

Micro Rings

Micro Rings are a method for medium to thick hair, due to the size of the bead that is used, the ring is silicone lined and 3/4mm wide. This method is not suitable for oily hair, as the bead could possibly slip. Micro Rings are a cold method, the bead is threaded on to the natural hair and bonded together with the extension. This method lasts for 3/4 months, however after 6/7 weeks a pop in maintenance session would need to move the hair extensions back up from where the hair has a gown, this hair can be used multiple times.

Mini Tubes

This method is most suited for finer hair as the bond lies flatter to the scalp, therefore, they are less obvious to see. However, the tubes do not contain silicon, which makes it a little harsher on the hair and easier for the tubes to slip out. Mini tube requires more regular appointments to prevent the tubes from sliding out completely recommended every 5 weeks as the natural hair grows. Lasts 3/4 months and the hair can be used multiple times.

Nano Rings

This is the most popular method as it is suited to all hair types, the rings are virtually undetectable to see, measuring at 2-2.5 mm in diameter. The rings are all silicon lined which means they are a lot more gentle when bonded to the hair and helps to prevent slippage. Keeping the hair in good condition allows the hair to re-used, multiple times, lasting 3/4 maintenance due every 5 weeks. Nano rings are applied in the same way was the Micro Rings, where they are threaded on to the natural hair.

Don’t worry too much about our extensive extension list, our stylists will find the right method for you.

Book An Appointment

We look forward to hearing from you, one of our team will get back to you as soon as we can.


Call today 01454 413484 to book your appointment
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